Resume Now and Then Skip to main content

Resume Now and Then

Purpose: This activity helps you to create an overall educational plan that relates to both your major and your career aspirations. You will consider what experiences you have that belong on a resume and how you can improve your resume to be employable when you have graduated from college. The activity also invites you to include experiences you want to have while attending a college or university.

As a result of this activity you will be able to:

  • Recognize and articulate how much experience you currently have working, leading, and volunteering.
  • Recognize and articulate what activities you can pursue while in school that will provide you with real experience that is transferrable into the job market.
  • Know what types of activities and majors you may need to consider in order to fulfill your resume “wish list.”


On a separate sheet of paper make a list of resume building activities you currently have on the left (example given), and a list of accomplishments and jobs you want to have on your resume at graduation on the right:

Current Resume
Resume at Graduation
Eagle Scout Award: Project fixing park pond
Club President: Awesome PPL Club
Class President High School Jr. Class
Missionary for the LDS Church
Fluent in Portuguese
Summer employee at Joe Snow Shack
Eagle Scout Award: Project fixing park pond
Club President: Awesome PPL Club
Class President High School Jr. Class
Missionary for the LDS Church
Fluent in Portuguese
Summer employee at Joe Snow Shack
Freshman Mentor
Student Body Government Officer
Intern at Google
Run own start-up website based company
Research with Business Professor

* You can also work with University Career Services to identify additional development activities to prepare you for the life roles and careers you have chosen.