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2024 Major Fair - October 9th

9:30 - 3:30 PM

WSC Ballroom and Garden Court

*** This a free event for BYU students only.

(middle school and high school students are not permitted to attend)

More Information on the 2024 Major Fair Booths Coming Soon!


The BYU Major Fair is an event designed to help students gather information, discover, or decide on a Major.

The following suggestions can help you prepare for the event and to maximize your experience:
What to Expect at the Major Fair

Create Your Major Fair Game Plan:

1. Make a list of majors you want to learn more about before the event. If you don't know where to start, you can take the TypeFocus assessment on our Website!

2. Look at the map of the Major Fair booths and plan which majors you will talk to in what order

3. Make a list of questions to ask the major representatives and bring a notepad to record information you get. You can use some of the questions listed below or bring your own.

4. Bring a buddy with you to explore the fair and to help you remember what you learned. A friend who knows you and your interests can also help you ask good questions.

5. Plan to show up to the WSC Ballroom and Garden Court around 9:30am when the event starts so you can avoid the large crowds that happen during lunch time.

Examples of Questions to Bring:

-> What classes should I take to get a sense of what this major it like?

-> Major courses?
-> GE courses?
-> STDEV courses?
-> Electives?

-> Why do students choose this major?

-> How many credit hours are required to complete the major/minor?

-> Is a minor required?

-> Are there any special sequences of courses?

-> What careers are common for this major?

-> What is the job field like?
-> What career skills does this major help me develop?

-> Do I need to apply to the major?

-> What internship opportunities are available?

-> How do you apply to the major?

-> What graduate degree programs are offered for this major?

The Major Fair was great! Now What?

1. Think about these questions:
- Does one major seem like a better fit for me than another? Why?

- How do certain majors fit my interests, skills, & work values?

- How can I explain what I am looking for to others?

2. Reflect on what you learned and what else you what to know about specific majors:
- Make a list of the majors you like

- Explore the majors online or with the advisors for those majors

3. Make an appointment with one of our academic and career advisors to discuss major options and your career interests.

4. Explore more info about majors and classes online:

Further Resources

What to Expect at the Major Fair

Click here to watch a short video about how to get more out of your Major Fair experience.

Explore BYU Majors

Use this page to make a list of majors you want to learn more about, prior to attending the Major Fair.

Making Decisions

Visit our step-by-step guide for choosing the right major for you.