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PART 1: Take a Look at Your Own Experience

1. Completing the My Career Story Workbook (about 30 min.) 

2. Recall 2-3 success stories from your life and write them down-times when you either 

(a) used talents you enjoy using and had a good outcome 
(b) had one of those “flow” experiences where you were so into something that you lost track of time.
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PART 2: Take a Career Assessment

A career assessment is a tool to help you better understand your interests, skills, values, or personality. The University Advisement Center offers various assessments you can take to help you make decisions about your career.

1: Take the Assessment (TypeFocus, SII, MBTI)

- Answer each question but before moving to the next one ask yourself:

Why did I respond this way?
What do I feel about these options? Why?
What are my assumptions about each option?
How much experience do I have with each option?
What do I see myself doing in each option

- Write down any of your insightful responses to these questions.

2: Make an appointment with one of our advisors to evaluate your assessment.
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PART 3: Look at Possible Majors/Career Options

1: Watch a short video about the major here.

- Choose a major; click the link

2: Look up info on the career at

- In the Search Handbook box, type a career/job, then click the most interesting result
- Search the page, especially 'What They Do' and 'How to Become One'

3: See what careers you can pursue with a major; go to the Career Services website

- Click on What Can I Do With This Major
- Find a major; review the options
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PART 4: Take Initiative Moving Forward

1: Look at the classes and learning outcomes of the major on the BYU online Catalog.

- Scroll to a major, click, also click on the classes
- To see a suggested first semester of classes, click Major Academic Plan at the top

2: Explore more information about courses in an interesting major by looking at the course syllabus.

- Log in using your BYU netID and password
- Select the semester, course, and the number you want to review
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Deliver On Your Plans

Begin Taking Steps to Pursue What You Want

Make An Appointment

To help refine your interests, we recommend you do at least one activity from each of these sections, then set an appointment to talk over what you have discovered.

Additional Activities

Click Here to find other activities that will help you Discover, Dream, Design, and Deliver on your plans.