Book: Edenbrooke and When Breath Becomes Air
Movie: Pride and Prejudice or The Sound of Music
Food: Peanut butter
Animal: Giraffe
Color: Pink
Exploration Experience:
I took STDEV 117 (career exploration) right when I got home from my mission. I used LinkedIn to network with people in different careers to learn more about my options. I job shadowed different people and asked my friends what they thought I would be good at. I took a lot of career assessments. I got involved in my community and at BYU and found things that I really enjoyed doing. I translated all of that into what kind of major/careerI wanted to pursue.
Why is Exploring Important to Me?
Exploring is so important to me because I think it is a principle that you can and should use throughout your whole life!! It is fun too! It doesn’t have to be daunting either. If you have all of the right resources, you can create an amazing plan for your life and become the person that you want to be!
Looking Back:
I wish that I knew that you are never locked in by your major! I wish that I knew that you don’t have to choose something just because your friends or family say so. I wish I knew that you can succeed in a lot of different majors. There are multiple majors that could work for you! But the Career Studio can help you find one that you love.
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Boring fact about you:
I can make a horse noise
In my free time I … like to be outside- hiking, boating, and biking. I also love to create things- I make a lot of tie-dyes and I like to craft! And in my free time, I also watch The Office a lot J Another thing I love to do is sing and play the ukulele. And I am always down for a good dance party.