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david lucero

David Lucero

Academic and Career Advisor

WSC 2500

What was your major exploration path?

 I started in Political Science because I was considering being a lawyer and politician (Mom thought I would be good at it), and then switched to Business and Computers (that’s what Dad did).  Neither was really for me.   

I realized I enjoyed Communications and switched to that, later addingChinese because that was my mission language and Pres. Kimball said, “Learn Mandarin.”  I thought I was double-majoring, but learned too late that you have to declare that more than a semester before you graduate, so I got a BA in Speech Communications and a minor in Chinese (even though I completed all the classes for the major).  I wish I had talked to an advisor! 

A Comms professor suggested taking an Organization Behavior class, and I did, and really liked it. That took me to a Master’s in OB at the Marriott School, and helped me get my first job.

What jobs and careers have you had since college?

 My degrees and experience (and my wife’s coaching on resume and interviews) helped me land my first job—at BYU—as a training specialist in the Student Leadership department.  As a part of that job I advised the student elections and Involvement Office, and got hooked.  Within a year an advisor position opened and I got the job—advising BYUSA, New Student Orientation, and a leadership seminar.  Later I became an Assistant Director.   

After a few years of administration, it was time to change. I worked in Multicultural Student Services for six months, which was a perfect preparation for my next job—at BYU-Hawaii as Director of Student Activities and Leadership. Twelve exciting years later I realized administration was not what I loved, and it was time to change again.

I came back to BYU as a grad student (at age 52), earning a master’s degree in Second Language Teaching, and a TESOL Certificate. While a student, I worked part-time as a graduate advisor—and loved it! A position opened and I got the job! I have been doing this and loving this ever since.

What are your areas of specialty when it comes to advising?  

My advising specialties (at varying stages of development) are 1) helping students see possibilities and be confident in pursuing them, 2) working with students from many cultural backgrounds, 3) conducting outreach activities, and 4) teaching Career Exploration (STDEV 117). 

What are some of your hobbies and interests? 

On my own time, I tutor students in English (sometimes in Chinese), read a lot (histories, biographies, novels), and cheer my wife as she plays volleyball (sometimes joining in).  I am an introvert, so I also enjoy peace and quiet time.  

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-lucero-b5aa1610b/