Here is a list of resources to help you improve your learning:
Various TA Labs - TA labs for a variety of freshman-level courses
Y-Serve Tutoring - Free tutoring in a variety of courses
Research and Writing Center - trained consultants work with students on any part of the writing process
Physical Science 100 Lab - help with various aspects of the PHY S 100 course
Physics and Astronomy Tutors - tutors to assist students in many of the larger courses
Life Sciences Learning Center - free tutoring service for students in the College of Life Sciences
Anatomy Lab - lab for students taking anatomy courses
Engineering Labs - specialized computer labs, classrooms, and staff to facilitate coursework and research
EB 117 Prototyping Lab - lab to help you build your class, club, capstone, research, and personal projects
FHSS Computing Labs - help with a variety of computer tools and programs
CS Learning Resources - tutorials for web development, programming languages, and technologies
Information Systems TA's - request TA help with IS course projects
Spanish and Portuguese Labs - help improving your language skills
Language labs for multiple languages - sign up for help improving your language skills
HBLL Software Training - work on multimedia projects and get troubleshooting help
LinkedIn Learning - great resource for learning soft skills and software programs